The workers with this profile are multi-purpose and qualified to assist in the diverse tasks and actions and assume responsibilities in the production of an event of any type.

Production Assistant

The workers who perform this work assist in the execution of tasks relating to the production and organization of the event.  This is also the person in charge of resolving all incidents that may occur, supervising and planning the work to optimize costs.

Stage manager

The job of the stage manager is very important, as this person is in charge of coordinating movements, entries and exits from the stage. It is an intermediate position between the director and the rest of the technical team, who oversee the exact compliance with the established times. He or she is also the maximum authority on the stage and is directly responsible for the show once it has started.

Production secretary

This job consists of supporting the administrative management of the different aspects of a production, organizing the travel of the artists and the technical equipment.  


This figure is essential when the production of an event is carried out with international artists or technical teams.  He or she goes wherever required, assisting musicians, managers, athletes, presenters, and innumerable basic profiles for the smooth execution of an event.

Seamstress or Seamster / Presser

He/she is in charge of ensuring that the wardrobe of the artists is in perfect condition when the show begins. Their job is to sew, iron and repair the wardrobe of actors, musicians or presenters in all types of shows, concerts, theatre or galas.

Wardrobe assistants

This figure is fundamental at one of the tensest moments of a show, during the wardrobe change. The time available is very limited; this, we have professionals who assist the artist in organizing the wardrobe and help in the wardrobe changing so that they are faster and more efficient.


Accompanies and assists artists, management, athletes, presenters and other important persons in an event, in cultural, musical, sport and corporate acts.